this is the ultimate mccolum attribute. This shirt leads to bigger dick status along with a higher confidence. If you see this shirt on someone just know they are going to steal you girl and your mom.
" I saw that dude wearing the Chi Omega Bid Day shirt. He was slamming beers"
A person who has practiced meditation with zyns. A man who has magical powers, especially when they throw in a zyn.
" Yeah he is mastered the art of zynsei."
A person who eats food (dead animals) off the side of Troy Highway. They have to be paint face (adel).
meaning 2: someone who throws trash out their window on Troy Highway.
" I just Deborahd that Krispy chicken out the window. I hope Deborah comes by and cleans it."
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when someone is very lit and turnt 24/7. or when someone is very d-runk.
Definition 1: a person who lives off the trash and dead animals off the side of Troy Highway
Definition 2: When someone throws food out the car
"I just Deborahed the piece of Krispy Chicken out the window. Maybe DaRealDeborah will come by and pick it up for later."
A person who is very lazy and thinks they are redneck. They often can be seen missing two bucks a year. A RjYeBo19 camps in Fortnite.
"I saw a wild RjYeBo19 with A pickled sausage yesterday."