A toilet.
I spent two hours on the ass trough after I ate three fajitas from Taco Bell.
The government-funded healthcare initiative instituted by President Barack Obama, specifically targeted towards low-income black families.
I ain't worried about gettin' fat; I got me YObamacare, and dey gonna get me da Ozempic.
A man who has a relationship with a woman who has a child from a former lover.
I'm not interested in being Captain Saveaho, no matter how awesome her tits are.
The 9th state in the United States; known for having more veterinarians than doctors.
I live in Cow Hampshire. Sorry.........
The study of men who lower their standards in order to have a relationship.
"How is school going, Jimmy?"
"Pretty good. I'm majoring in Simpology, so I spend a lot of time reading Instagram profiles for data".