When your dry heaving uncontrollably and begging for mercy but mercy ain't being given.
You've been puking for days and it just wont stop.
"Omg! Is Mike OK in there? "
"Ya, sounds like he's raspukin."
Spare change solely swinging in your pocket, occationally bumping into or caressing your penis head. Normally a nickel due to its relative size and weight.
A phrase used to describe the feeling of having no intention on giving someone money.
"Hey, i got this booger."
"Well how much do you think it's worth?"
"Psh...i'll give you a dick-nickel for it."
2👍 2👎
Any drippy, chalky, paisty, gooey, or sticky reminants of a young slut's existance that happens to get rubbed, smeared, excreited, or spit onto your person or belongings by way of interaction with said slut; voluntary or involuntary.
Guy #1: Dude, what's that mark down the side of your jacket? It looks like makeup.
Guy #2: Yeah, it's kittie schmear from my date last night.
When you pull out a shit covered dick after having anal.
"How's it going with (enter girls/guys name)?
"Great! Banged her in the turd cutter last night, but she gave me snicker dick."