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Something that sounds quite atrocious

Carole is supercoulorfragilisticexpealadotios

by Dada da humin July 17, 2018


A deeply soothing or pleasing experience. (like trauma but good)

Plural: Halations
Adjective: Halatic (pronounced 'Ha-Lay-Shik')
Verb: Halatized (pronounced 'Ha-Lay-Shized')
Adverb: Halatically (pronounced 'Ha-Lay-Shik-Lee')

Person 1: "I was watching Love Live and wasn't ready to get Snow Halation jumpscared."
Person 2: "That sounds very Halatic."
Person 1: "Yeah, I think I'm Halatized"

by Dada da humin November 27, 2024