FRS Report service are here to change the way bd community works in terms of scam perms.The ideal of a perfect community in which everyone follows and believe in the same values, intrigues many to surround themselves with relatable individuals. But what compels one even more, is being given a promise or a reward for completely and following their life in a certain way that upholds the standards that they believe in. A mouthpiece for the belief is then to speak out and help lead the followers to this promised reward. The Bangladeshi community is strong in terms of gameplay but there is a lacking in terms of friendship and behavior. In this server, all the votes and voices depend on you the members of this community. In this area, favourism is not at all present. We have to maintain a friendly gaming community.First impression is always the best impression and if a member from a different country enters our society and look at the members, and the type of scams and behaviour ppl have, they will have a false impression on us. Before we introduce this community to the middle east or other countries, we have to be perfect ourselves. It is time to make this community a better place and do support us in this journey. #SayNoToScamming #NoScammersAllowed
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