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boo boo butt bang

1: An accident waiting to happen.

2: An accident prone individual who also enjoys anal activities.

Boo Boo butt bang is working again tonight, something is bound to be good nรขย€ย™ fucked.

by Dagubment March 16, 2018

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bang fuck

1: the result of improper handling of fireworks or explosives.

2: the act of sex with the use of excessive force resulting in the injury of one or both parties.

Holy shit! He blew his hand off with that home made M-80! He bang fucked himself all up!

I bang fucked that bitch so hard, I broke her back!

by Dagubment March 16, 2018

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good n' fucked

When you are totally and completely fucked.

Man, you are good n' fucked now!

That garage should be named good n' fucked. "bring yo car on down to good n' fucked! If it ain't fucked up when you leaves, bring it on back and we'll fuck it up some mo!"

good n fucked goodnfucked good and fucked goodandfucked fucked fucked over cheated robbed

by Dagubment January 20, 2016