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smash bros

Dude Bestfriend who smash the same girl. Like bang bros

I not going to get f*cked over cause we smash bros.

by DaisyJ July 9, 2014

11👍 54👎


Aislinn // The joker and charmer of the group the one to keep the group together. She’s confident , gorgeous and hilarious. Usually has fabulous curly brown hair and big blue eyes. Your lucky to have a Aislinn in your life once you have her don’t let her go. It takes a while for her true self to come out and be comfortable around you, but once you’ve proven your as mad a fool as her the chats won’t stop! Beware on nights out the lads will be all over her but she’ll be either on the floor or talking about dolphins with someone she’s only meet. Always there to crack a joke and lift your spirits when your feeling down even if it’s inappropriate. Loves her music and is a talented musician. Has gained a lack in self confidence and can be down about it sometimes but you have to remember not everyone’s perfect we all have our quirks and you are my favourite one ;)

Aislinn wake up !

by DaisyJ May 17, 2019

4👍 2👎

fine af

good looking ,hot,sexy,very attractive, gorgeous as fuck

boy-u look fine af
girl-what that mean

by DaisyJ August 6, 2011

652👍 91👎