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A snooty way of saying something is great and/or tasty.

The beluga caviar was scrumtrulecent.

by Dan December 25, 2003

3πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A very interesting and compelling tabletop game of fantasy battles - And although it's made fun of by many people, and those playing it are put into a stereotype, this is hugely innacurate - Yes, warhammer is expensive for what it is - imaginary battles with plastic models - but so what? It's fun, it's a hobby - and that has to be worth spending money on. Opposers have their hobbies too - just how much did THEY spend on doing something they enjoy? If it's fun, it's probably worth spending your hard earner cash on just because of the fact it brings you happiness.

Just you wait till I get my Dragon Prices of Caledor....

by Dan November 2, 2004

178πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž


if you look up this word, you should not be speaking it in the first place.

you do not deserve an example

by Dan March 15, 2005

53πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

Baby Boomer

Generation of Americans born between 1946 and 1964. Associated with Hippies, the environmental movement, the typical Baby Boomer was raised on the culture that the government will give him/her whatever she wants or needs in life. Being raised with the nanny state mentality, Baby Boomers are the leading factor to the disappearance of personal responisbility, spending beyond one's means, and the physical and moral degeneration of the family in American culture.

The generation that was born and raised during the Great Depression helped build America to greatness. The Baby Boomers came in and destroyed it.

by Dan May 24, 2008

308πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž


best damn car/truck company ever!

my chevy eats dodges and shits fords

by Dan March 24, 2005

218πŸ‘ 395πŸ‘Ž


A place in Wales where the locals enjoy such diverse passtimes as drinking, abusing drugs, and fighting.

Man#1: I know! Let's go to cardiff for the evening, abuse some substances, than beat the crap out of each other.
Man#2: I'll have some of that!

by Dan February 4, 2004

433πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž


Animated goaltender for the Italian national team. Highest paid goaltender in football. Plays for Juventus.

gianluigi "gigi" buffon

by Dan October 31, 2003

99πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž