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When a tattoo artist takes your mom out to a fondue restaurant and gives her the cold shoulder after the date

Man that seasick rapper tattoo guy took my mom out to the melting pot and didn't even give her a call back

-dam that nigga savage

by Dan Daman June 29, 2016


A person whose life has fallen into disrepair. Or one who is suffering the effects of intoxicating substances, perhaps on a prolonged basis.

Grant woke up at 3 in the afternoon after drinking all night, smacking his bird, pissing over his living room carpet and listening to back to back babyshambles LPs. He then cracked open anothe special brew and switched MTV on. 'MESS!'

by Dan Daman December 30, 2005

161👍 118👎

double digit cream scoop

when A guy starts cumming, And pulls out and cums his load all over your pussy lips and starts rubbing it in your clit and fingering You with it, mixing his juices with yours and then He makes you lick it off of his fingers scoop by scoop until He cleans it all out of you and you're ready for more

Yo homie, that girl a freak

Did she let you double digit cream scoop though?

Yeah bruh, she straight freak nasty

by Dan Daman February 14, 2018


Derivative of oft. used "Get a room" (often uttered to couples passionately going at it in full view of the general public). Used in the context "get a broom (and clean up that mess!)", often said to a friend or passer by, when a shambles or a man/woman is in view. A mess of course, is a commonly used term for somebody whose life is in disrepear, or those who have consumed far too many noxious substances, perhaps over a long period of time.

Matt stumbled into the room with a 'J' in one hand, and a Special brew in the other, spouting on about how good fightstar really are. "Get-a-broom!", I exclaimed to my pals next to me, nodding my head in Matt's general direction.

by Dan Daman December 30, 2005

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