Source Code

play action fake

You are having sexual intercourse with a woman and you are thrusting your penis into her anal cavity. Just before you are about to excrete manjuice, you pull out and spit on the woman's back so that she thinks you came. Then, as she turns around, you jack off in her face, leaving a sticky, smelly mess.

Woman: "Are you gonna cum?"
Man: "Yes honey, right now." *spit!*
Woman: "Wow, that was some great sex! Let me just turn around and-"

by Dan Jakubek May 1, 2004

33👍 21👎

kurt angle

A resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (actaully lives in Mount Lebanon, a suburb of Pittsburgh); Former two-time NCAA Champion and Olympic gold medalist in the final of the 220-pound freestyle wrestling competition in the 1996 Olympic Games, where he defeated Iranian Abbas Jadidi. Kurt made his WWF debut in the 1999 Survivor Series by defeating Shawn Stasiak in a singles match. Kurt is a rarty, in that he had the talent and charisma to transfer from being an Olympic mat wrestler to a pseudo-celebrity professional wrestler, and is now considered one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time. Coined the phrases, "Intensity, integrity and intelligence" and "It's true, it's true" and uses the Olympic/Angle Slam and Ankle Lock as his finishing maneuvers. Likely to be in the WWE Hall of Fame in the future.

Fun Kurt Fact: Kurt Angle preached for "Olympic Heroes for Abstinence" during a live episode of "Raw," held at State College, PA (PSU for those unaware).

by Dan Jakubek September 26, 2004

304👍 32👎


A place where tennagers go to waste thir lives away.

"Dude, you wanna go to the mall?"
"Yeah, dude!"

by Dan Jakubek January 22, 2004

461👍 161👎