1: A green, radioactive metorite, broken from the distant, late planet of Krypton, that cancels out any Kryptonian's superpowers, such as Superman.
2: Something that is a great weakness to a particular person, such as the aforementioned metiorite to Superman, etc.
1: Krypto the Superdog (of the said show): Kryptonite... my one weakness...
2: Galatea (Justice League Unlimited): Boredom is my kryptonite... well, kryptonite is my kryptonite, but you get the idea.
68π 115π
An online "dictionary" for slang terms, with a light side and a dark side.
The light side is, if there is a widely used word, that's not in the English vocabulary (officially), and you want to know what it means, chances are, you may find it here.
Now, for the dark side: poor monitoring. Though you may find the word you're looking for, chances of finding it on a definition that is accurate, non-opinion-showing, and un-hateful are extremely rare.
Because of how poorly monitored the site is, Spammers take advantage of it and post words with definitions that are inaccurate, hateful, violent, offensive, and/or maybe even porn-related.
Fortunately, there is the "recommend for removal" feature and sensible people can come and have such definitions removed. However, the Spammers can post as fast as (if not faster than) those people can remove.
One definition you might find could be as bad as the example below:
(Please note that I have nothing against the television show "Barney". That is just an example.)
"A stupid f---ing TV show about lame, love-dovey f---ingness, like Barney. It is stupid and g--, like Barney. Oh, and I hate Barney."
Source: "Anti-Barney"
108π 27π
The characters from one story world meet with the characters of another.
The Jimmy + Timmy Power Hour (Fairly OddParents/Jimmy Neutron)
160π 71π
(a.k.a. CDA) Monstropolis's only protection from the threat of serious infection from human childrens' possessions... or far worse: a human child itself. (Monsters, Inc.)
CDA Agent: We can neither confirm or deny the presence of a human child.
33π 12π
The space station that serves as official Justice League headquarters. The Watchtower was paid for and designed by Wayne Industries and lived in by Batman, Wonder Woman, John Stewart (the Green Lantern of Earth), Superman, J'onn J'onzz (the Martian Manhunter, the Flash, Hawkgirl, and many more.
Static: I feel like a great big double-A battery.
Batman: Look at it this way: You could prevent the Watchtower from crashing into any location on Earth... even Dakota.
37π 21π
Classmate of Lilo's from Lilo & Stitch, who calls Lilo a "Weird-Lo", Stitch a "disconfigured dog", and literally owns her own possie. (see spoiled brat)
The girl gets two birthdays a year, for crying out loud!
159π 43π
The richest and most respected man in Gotham City. He is also the dark knight known as Batman.
I'm so glad they created a clinic to help Bang Babies! And it's sponsored by Wayne Industries!
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