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The act of having sex while simultaneously being screwed in the ass.

I got tandemed last night by Gina and Rodger I can hardly walk.

by Dangerous Dave I August 17, 2005

90👍 88👎

soup Nazi

An employee who will not allow access to a task until it is perfect (usually computer related).

That jerk Bill putting us behind on the project he won’t let me have the program till he tweaked half to death.
Rodger won’t release the power supply because it’s 3% out of spec, guys a damm Soup Nazi

by Dangerous Dave I August 11, 2005

36👍 211👎


Used by animation fans or the geeks that frequent the science fiction conventions. A serious and unexplainable act of stupidity that causes an irrecoverable disastrous loss. As in “Did a Downtown.” Origin is from the popular and award winning MTV series Downtown canceled after a short run and replaced by a series of shows that ranged from simply less successful to out right disasters.

I didn’t set the parking break on the moving van and it rolled through the new uninsured house that was a major Down Town.

by Dangerous Dave I August 11, 2005

2👍 21👎

coolaid drinker

Derived from the Johns town cult that commit mass sucide by drinking poison cool aid on orders from their leader. A dyed in the wool Republican who is certain that nothing the political party could do can ever be wrong.

Dude stay away from politics at my parents house, my moms a cool aid drinker.
"If Haliburton doubled the price of the contract and still didn’t perform they obviously needed more money."

by Dangerous Dave I August 17, 2005

203👍 37👎