Emily is deep down a romantic, that side only shows with her nerdy bookworm side. She's smart, not wise, although she tends to use her smarts or intelligence in negative ways. She's very kind and caring/ thoughtful etc. But you won't get that from her unless somehow you can bring down her walls. She's very attractive, beautiful, sexy (which she knows)and is what leads to it also being used in negligent ways in a relationship mainly because She's been hurt so much from others and unknowingly herself. Especially when dating, does stupid shit first to not be hurt, but continues doing it for playback/revenge. Sets standards and expectations for the relationship without ever letting you know. It benefits her, not you, ex. Her being up all in your lane but doesn't stay in hers at all. Figuratively or literally. Be careful letting her drive! Don't forget, you'll always be wrong no matter what, things didn't happen the way you say or think they did. You manipulate, control, act fake, just to use her for whatever could be the slightest beneficial thing to you in each scenario during that argument/fight. Lastly she will warn you, that's she's crazy in the beginning. Saying it in a way that doesn't seem serious, more of a joke rather. Better believe what she says about that. That will be her default warning she'll use to say it's your fault for staying. Also for justifying those actions! If you have an emily in your life be cautious.
"I am an Aries, and a little crazy." Emily said.