Bobdan is a thick queen of Bobland and is a tyrant. He is a narcissist but is also very kind to his Slaves and followers. Bobdan has a castle built of cotton candy and is a large sweetooth. It all started when Bobdan was feeling down and wanted a capsule of chocolate chickens, but then a pear grew out of his belly button, so that is how Bobdan decided to become a Queen. Although the title was never given to him, he took it. The real gender of Bobdan is still a humanity secret and is a mystery to all. Bobdan also sees rainbows in his mind and he has a very cool BUTTler named Roma. And Roma has at least two fingers on each hand. He is also called a fly. While he also works as the Nani, the secretary and the commander in chief. Bobdan has a communist country and named it after himself. He also likes pink. Nobody knows this yet but he actually has a plastic butt, but shhhh....anyhow Bob is a very interesting persona.
Hail my Bobdan the queen.
May you live a thousand years and longer and be an old old hag with a stick.
Best korean duo out there! Combination of the amazing Suhyun and Chanhyuk Lee and their talents! They aren't just singer or idols...they're artists. Working under YG Entertainment.
Bro you best go listen to some AKMU
A country that Bobdan created.
Oh you're from Bobland? No wonder you look so pink.