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Social Outcast

Someone who is rejected from the majority, or all of the social groups in an area. You will probably insult them and hurt their feelings, but sometimes they're so damn annoying you hope you do!

Sometimes they turn out OK if you get to know them, but other times, as I said before, they're just annoying.

Social Outcast: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-

Socially Accepted Person: WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!

Social Outcast: A, B, C, D, E, F, G-

Socially Accepted Person: And you wonder why no one likes you.

by Daniel Day-Lewis September 29, 2008

50👍 384👎


A place filled with porn and ads.

Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.

Where everyone talks like they can kick your ass when they probably can't.

A place for lifeless retards who want virtual lives.

The pedophiles' gathering spot.

A place some assholes go to to mock sexual orientation, make sexist and racist remarks, mock religion, and bash other people's views.

Where a select few jackasses come to steal your identity with malware.

A place where famous people don't get good salaries.

A semi-successful distraction from television.

A place where you can become famous if you dance like an asshole or make an extremely slow and dull video about unicorns.

There are basically two personalities: really nice people who use "=P" a lot, and jackasses who, as I said before, bash other people's views.

A place where sex is the main discussion.

Sex. SEX.

Guy 1: I went on the internet today!

Guy 2: ...Cool.

Writer of this Definition: I'm feeling kind of apathetic right now 'cause I'm tired. Sorry.=P

by Daniel Day-Lewis September 25, 2008

112👍 27👎


Sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children, usually under the age of thirteen.

It is also used as a derogatory term for older people who want to have sex with the younguns.

My dad told me that most men around the age of forty have pedophilia in them and I was like "What the fuck dad?!"

by Daniel Day-Lewis September 25, 2008

310👍 103👎