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Let me tell you about the absolute worst person I have ever had the displeasure of encountering. This individual possesses a personality that is so repugnant, it could make a skunk gag. And let's not even get started on their physical appearance - it's as if they were sculpted by Picasso during his most experimental phase. Truly, a sight for sore eyes.
Now, I must insist that you steer clear of this person at all costs. Trust me, you do not want to subject yourself to their toxic presence. It's like being trapped in a room with a swarm of angry wasps - you'll be stung repeatedly, both physically and emotionally.

Their personality, or lack thereof, is a true marvel. They possess an uncanny ability to drain the joy out of any room they enter. It's as if they have a personal vendetta against happiness and will stop at nothing to extinguish it.

And let's not forget their appearance. Picture a creature that has been dragged through a hedge backwards, then thrown into a blender for good measure. That's the level of attractiveness we're dealing with here. It's a wonder they haven't been mistaken for a modern art installation.

In conclusion, my dear reader, I implore you to avoid this individual like the plague. They are a walking, talking embodiment of everything that is wrong with humanity. Spare yourself the agony and find solace in the company of those who radiate positivity and beauty. You deserve nothing less.

Daniel oxygen stealer at his best

by Daniel John August 18, 2023


No one likes him people cross the road when he approaches. He smells like a drain. Wets his pants on a daily basis. People leave the room when he enters. Glasses of water have more of a personality. A true oxygen stealer.

Daniel away from me you smell !

by Daniel John August 18, 2023