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This acronrym stands for Double Vaginal Double Anal. It is normally used for porm films and consists of putting two penises into a woman's vagina and two penises into a woman's anus at the same time.

"Hey Jim, are we all set up for the D.V.D.A. shot?" Said porn director Jeem.

by Daniel Maher February 4, 2008

36👍 11👎

Acheivement Whore

1)An XBOX 360 owner who feels the need to get every acheivment possible on every game he/she has ever played.
2)Someone who buys a game, gets all of the acheivments, then returns it for another one.
3)Someone who will actually decline sex because they are trying to get an online acheivement. SEE: geek
4)SEE ALSO: cheevies

"No, I can't come to mom's funeral, I'm a total acheivement whore."

by Daniel Maher February 4, 2008

16👍 7👎


A geek word for "Acheivement".
SEE ALSO: Acheivement Whore

"Can anyone help me get the Halo 3 cheevies?"

by Daniel Maher February 4, 2008

12👍 6👎


Roid Freak I'd Like to Fuck.

"OMG! Did you just see that RFILF? If only he didn't have such a small penis....."

by Daniel Maher February 4, 2008