Racist school filled with Rich kids. Girls only date white dudes there and black kids there act white except one. The school is very clicky and dumbasses date each other from the same friend group. If you are different then you don't belong at the school because every rich white kid at that school acts the fucking same. People at that school act like they fuck with you when they really talk shit about you behind your back. Retards like to flex their money and flex about their private jets. The basketball team is so bad and they need more black people on it especially the football team. People say the N word in front of the black students but they can't fight back because they are not trying to get expelled out of an expensive as fuck school. There is no events at the school only fine arts shit and the formal is just a bunch of people fucking around. The teachers are good, well some of them.
Guerin Catholic High School is a fine arts school