Removing a message etc from a chat service/forum before anyone is able to read/see it.
That was lucky. I was able to unpost my posting before anyone was able to read it.
Removing a message etc from a chat service/forum before anyone is able to read/see it.
That was close! Thanks goodness I was able to unpost my message before anyone else was able to read it!
(adjective) when you pretend to be productive but in fact you are just procrastinating as usual
Q: Where's Emily?
A: Oh, she's in the library being pretenductive again.
Removing a message etc from a chat service/forum before anyone is able to read/see it.
Fortunately I was able to unpost it before anyone read it.
Removing a message etc from a chat service/forum before anyone is able to read/see it
I often post things too fast and I'd like to be able to unpost them before anyone gets to read my ramblings.
Inconsequential news that receives airtime normally reserved for regular world events
And then there was a story about David Beckham's latest tatoo. Who cares? It's just a load of flake news.
Inconsequential news that receives airtime/coverage normally reserved for more important stories
All that stuff about Love Island in the papers right now is just a whole load of flake news.