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Positively perhaps, and way stronger than definitely maybe.

Subject A: "It might be nice to have a party.
Subject B: "might'nt it, indeed?"

by Danny Durden August 8, 2020


Composing language, written or oral, so notably titillating that it's somewhat pornographic

The bartender spoke with genuine wordporn; we liked it

by Danny Durden August 7, 2020

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


referring to the particularly WITLESS human, with no discernable spine nor character.

The guy felt like a dink after his girlfriend took care of everything.

by Danny Durden August 15, 2021

65πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Female Ego

An elusive and taboo notion, known to exist, but never proven to be worthy of note.

The Female Ego has not been adequately explained nor explored.

by Danny Durden May 26, 2021


A BeefCake condition, in the post COVID era, whereby desirable males are somewhat weary, sexually. (Obviously only a heterosexual phenomenon)

A very specific form of sexual frustration has emerged recently; it's known as Geary, or geariness, as in, his gear needs to find suitable accommodation.

by Danny Durden June 29, 2023


A penis, tired from already performing,

and ejaculating, incapable erection until resting sufficiently.

She was glad to grab her toy since all her partner had left was his soft Noodle.

by Danny Durden May 28, 2021

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Referring to the tendency to Overtly and Overly Politicize one's Gender and/or Sexual Identity.

Labelling oneself as NonBinary is a pleading with one's immediate audience to acknowledge them as not heterosexual...serving to separate their identity from men and women...

by Danny Durden May 21, 2021

24πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž