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In order to criticize your opponent, you are willing to flip flop on your opinion or opposition view. Even if it means appearing like a hypocrite to win an argument.

A good example in politics would be conservatives yelling "my body my choice" which is typically an argument they have rejected for decades with abortion rights. However, in the debate over the vaccine is an argument they are temporarily willing to adopt the “my body, my choice” mantra in a sarcastic and facetious that does not align with their beliefs. But they are willing to temporarily adopt the saying way to win a debate over vaccines.

Conservatives are being such flip-o-crits over the vaccine.

Conservatives are being such flip-o-crites over the vaccine.

by Danny Mullan December 9, 2021


The act of dismissing crimes committed by groups whom the woke perceive as historically marginalized. Example? Native Tribes raided, slaughtered, enslaved, & committed genocide toward each other for centuries before Chrissy C showed up. It was constant, merciless, nomadic war.

The woke refuse to celebrate Christopher Columbus day because of the atrocities he committed, and replaced it with Indigenous peoples day. But when you raise the point that tribes committed just as heinous crimes against each other they bury their head in the sand. That's woke-washing.

by Danny Mullan November 9, 2021

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New word I just invented Requestion - A request you want to make but may need to clarify with a question first.

I need to make a change but I have a requestion first.

by Danny Mullan July 14, 2021


A hobby that captures a persons interest for hours, days, weeks, or seasonly but is inevitably replaced by a new micro-hobby. A person may achieve a moderate level of competence, but due to their lack of attention and focus, never become and expert. Micro-hobbys routinely come and go as a person enters a different stage of their life, and quite often help deal with boredom, work life imbalance, and stress.

Whats your dad working on now?

Oh, he has this new micro-hobby. He's trying to build a robot in the basement. He will get bored of if by next week and move onto some hipster hydroponic water system.

by Danny Mullan September 17, 2017


It's a co-worker that is also your bro.

Use in a sentence.

Hey, me and the co-bro are going to work from the coffee shop this afternoon.

by Danny Mullan March 11, 2022


In order to criticize your opponent, you are willing to support the opposition view. Even if it means appearing like a hypocrite to those keeping tabs.

A good example in politics would be conservatives yelling "my body my choice" which is typically an argument they have rejected. However, in the debate over the vaccine is an argument they are temporarily willing to adopt to own the libs.

Conservatives are being such hypoflops over the vaccine.

by Danny Mullan August 23, 2021