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The art of flinging ones bodily fluids at another person or object, with a sharp flick of the wrist. Created in honor of Miggs in Silence of the Lambs for his semen-flinging scene

After I masturbated, I Miggs'd her in the grill with my nut

by DanoNYC August 27, 2006

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Adjective to describe someone gets more attractive the more you drink.
See beer goggles and drunkfectionate

Kevin: "I had no idea she was so effing' hot !"
Dano: "She's not... she's drunkalicious"

by DanoNYC February 27, 2007

41πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

deceleration trauma

A term describing damage caused by slamming or smashing something.

"My cell phone dropped out of the window and died of deceleration trauma"

by DanoNYC January 18, 2010

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Description of a (often average) food or beverage, artificially enhanced by the use of marijuana.

Fratboy: "Dude. This is the most stonedalicious toast I've ever eaten!"

by DanoNYC February 27, 2007

47πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Switch Banks

This term is advice for someone who appears to have left the house without looking in a mirror.

Their appearance is so disheveled, it is assumed that they used the warped reflection of a toaster to check their look. (makeup, clothing, etc.)

It traces back to a time when banks gave away free toasters to new clients, and refers to a faulty toaster being the cause

Friend: "Holy crap! Do you see what that train wreck is wearing?"
Dano: "Yeah. It's like she used her toaster as a mirror. She needs to 'switch banks'."

by DanoNYC February 3, 2010


When you just so happen to be in a situation where an understandable stench masks a less socially acceptable one emanated within close proximity.

Roger: "Hey Dano, check it out. I just broke wind while I was talking to that cop, but we were standing right by the sewer, so I was covered by stinkronicity"

by DanoNYC March 3, 2010

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The act of getting wasted by drinking too many JagerBombs - a drink made by dropping a shot of Jagermeister into a glass of RedBull.

Dude, I went to Duff's Bar last night for a night cap and before I knew it, I was JagerBombed!

by DanoNYC May 7, 2009

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