Source Code


Cute- 8/10
Attractive- 9.5/10
Funny - 8/10

Online- 8/10
Insult skills-7/10
Voice- 7.5/10

Best friend (s)- kenny, zabrang
Hates most: kenny
Crush: Omasan, Zabrang

Type: Everyone's favorite

Sammy is such a Sammy

by Danvyt34 September 14, 2022


Cute- 9/10
Attractive -9/10
Corrupt- 6.5/10
Sexy- 8.5/10
Yansh- 7/10
Funny - 6.5/10
Temper- 4/10
Online- 8/10
Insult skills - 8/10
Voice- 8/10

Best friend(s): kenny, Sammy
Hates most: lexy
Crush: Sammy
Type: miss Worldwide

Zabrang is fine

by Danvyt34 September 14, 2022

History of Worldwide

Worldwide has been around for months as we know worldwide Was first originated on 21th of July 2022 by Sammy, and now worldwide is one of the most popular group chat *you know* worldwide got their participants from TikTok which 60% of the group came from and within a week Worldwide started growing... Worldwide first participant was Charles Martins which he is no longer in worldwide due to some reasons. Sammy got his inspiration of creating worldwide from another called "besties forever" am sure u guys didn't know all this we would go further next time

The history of Worldwide part 1

by Danvyt34 September 11, 2022


Samuel is a nice guy always up for a challenge... attracted to girls with girls good packaging has a great sense of humor but doesn't mind spoiling ur day but Samuel is a good friend

Samuel I like u I want to have all ur babies

by Danvyt34 August 17, 2021

Enoch's Crush

So Some people might be wondering who's Enoch's Crush... People might think it's Rachael well sorry to bust ur bubble but i have to say that Enoch doesn't really have a crush on worldwide yeah am surprised too. Enoch doesn't have crushes surprisingly he thinks no girl cares about him but that isn't true... Girls do care about him. But for now Enoch isn't crushing on anyone on the group but i would say he is likely to crush on Omasan.

Enoch's Crush doesn't just exist

by Danvyt34 September 11, 2022

The Secrets of WORLDWIDE

We do know that Sammy created worldwide buh do we know why? Well in this episode we are gonna talk about why
Samny created worldwide during July the true reason why sammy created worldwide was because he didn't really have any true friends and just wanted to make new friends that would accept him. Sammy is acc a loser and a freak but worldwide doesn't know all about this secret... But now Sammy has succeeded kn creating worldwide Sammy originally planned creating worldwide during April but he was shy that people won't join his group but now he succeeded. Samny just want friends who cares about him that's all and that's why he created worldwide but there was this group which inspired him to create worldwide which is called "besties forever" Sammy is also a known guy there. Tune in. Next time we would talk about future plans and events for worldwide!!!

The secrets of worldwide Sammy loser

by Danvyt34 September 7, 2022

Lexy Secret part 2

Hmmm does Lexy have a girlfriend?? That question is really tuff lexy is a type if guy to get something out of but the answer isn't clear. But lexy is likely to have a girlfriend currently after his break up with zabrang he has to move on and now m sure u asking who is likely to be lexy girlfriend even though we aren't sure on who it really is the answer is it might be Amira or mariam. But the answer isn't confirm tho but that's all we have if u have noticed how Amira n lexy has been acting towards each other then u would see... Ofc no boy can resist Amira beauty and voice so it's pretty obvious lexy would go after her. Stay tuned for lexy's secret part 3

Lexy secret part 2 stay tuned

by Danvyt34 September 11, 2022