Can be nice and friendly to some people. A CJ might be cute and popular too. But to the other unlucky 40% of people in her/his life, she/he can be a downright bitch. A CJ pretends to be nice and friendly to these unlucky 40% but will gossip and spread rumors secretly. The good thing is, a CJ will only have one person as his/her biggest rivals/nemesis. Bad news is, you won't know if you are a friend or foe. If you know a CJ, you might want to stay on her good side. Good luck!
At homecoming...
CJ: Omg, congratulations on being the Homecoming Queen!
xxx: Thanks!
After that...
CJ: My gosh, I can't believe SHE got to be the Homecoming Queen! Did you see her outfit? It looked like it was retrieved from the dumpster!