A word that can be used to describe most, if not all, conservatives and Republicans. Frequently spend most of their time bashing Democrats and liberals instead of advocating for their own party.
Believe that a clump of cells is a human being and that its life is more important than the mother's. Use the term baby killers to try and justify their arguments and make people support them.
Usually are rednecks and hillbillies and have lower IQs than their opposition - this has actually been proven by scientific studies, and countless quotes. (See the article '15 Mind-Numbingly Dumb Things Teapublicans Have Said Lately')
Believe that Donald Trump is actually a good choice for a President.
Believe that America is the "best goddamned country on the Earth", but it would be a miracle if they could even draw their own state.
Don't believe in global climate change, even though there has been years of proof of this occurrence.
Believe in helping the rich instead of the poor.
Believe that FOX News is an unbiased and reliable news source.
People who like the way Rush Limbaugh's penis tastes.
I think, therefore I am...not a conservatard.
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An acronym for 'Back Off MotherFucker'. The term was coined by Welsh singer Marina & The Diamonds.
You can't call my bluff, time to BOMF.
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