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Britain, a nation that is made up of several countries, such as, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - as much as they don't admit it, we stole that fair and square.

It's a nice place, with locations that will satisy everyone, it's a place with lots of world building history - shame about the weather though. It's the only place that uses the English language properly, but do excuse the accents, could be worse though, could be speaking like the silly aussies and Americans.

The English language is a very funny one, well at least it is in Britain. Some quotes below will show some 'English, English' words or informal words used to describe the international iconic ones.

A British Policeman = A 'bobby'

'keen as mustard'= Very enthusiastic, eager.

'bad egg' = A miscreant, a corrupt person, an untrustworthy person.

'banger' = A sausage kids.

Enjoy them few.

by Dark Einstein November 21, 2005

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