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Formally known as dukethakilla, justinlcarter was a famous YouTuber who was known for making Madden, 2k and GTA videos(until he decide to delete his channel😒). Nowadays, he streams on twitch with his most frequent viewers such as elitepotatoboi(who pisses him regularly off but still loves him unconditionally; almost has a lot of kids he calls the TatoTots), tr3ytrey_(funniest nigga in the chat; always roasting him), and others such as Malik, alchemy, cdrizzle, kingdonny, lunk and more.

Guy 1: Hey look, it's JustinLCarter! The guy who was once at the top then fell off like a flaccid penis.
Guy 2: Hey it is! You should go watch his twitch channel "JustinLCarter" if you want to see him again

by DarkTrollz December 13, 2022


A guy who chipped his tooth and now everyone of his friends call him chip because it's funny.

Hey look, there goes Robert and his fucked up teeth!

by DarkTrollz August 26, 2022