A character made by Mark Fischbach (also known as Markiplier), an entity made out of the fusion of Celine (The Seer), Damien (The Mayor), the Manor Entity, and the body of Y/N (The District Attorney).
Watch "Who Killed Markiplier?" series for full details.
Officially introduced on "A Date with Markiplier" sketch made to celebrate Valentine's Day on 2017, while previously has appeared on June 19th, 2012 for short, creepypasta-horror style videos.
His motive is for avenging everything he had lost thanks to Mark (Who Killed Markiplier, DAMIEN) and quite possibly either taking control of the channel (Markiplier TV), or just watching what Mark is currently up to while looking stunning in his white suit (A Heist with Markiplier).
Also, probably arguing with Anti (Darkiplier vs. Antisepticeye) over who's world are theirs.
Vienna: I miss...
Rogue: Darkiplier. Not surprising ð
Vienna: I know, just like you missed him ALL THE TIME âð