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Rank: an elaborate system used to determine an individual's standing within a closed group of other individuals. Best example is in a military setting, but also found in gangs and religious gatherings.

"One time at band camp, I tripped over my shoes and knocked down the entire Flag Corp's first rank!"

by Darksea (Darcy) July 31, 2003

53👍 62👎


Someone who abstains from eating meat, but not dairy products (eggs can be argued for one way or the other), in protest that the meat market is so poorly regulated and primitive. We have experimental technology that allows for growing organs with stim cell research, why shouldn't we be able to grow a slab of muscle that never has to have eyes or lips?

Not to be confused with Veganism, wherein no animal products whatsoever are eaten.

Vegetarians are often a helluva lot healthier than their omnivorous fellow humans.

by Darksea (Darcy) July 31, 2003

101👍 55👎

bubble language

Bubble-fubble labble-fanguage ibble-fis ablefay grayble-fayt wayble-fay tooble-foo ibble-firritate rebble-felatives abblefand teable-feachers. Ibblefit ibblefis toble-fotally cubble-fustomible-fizable.

Blub blub blub *pop!*

by Darksea (Darcy) July 31, 2003

76👍 119👎