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(Bolshevik, bull, civic-minded, demagogue), someone who gains political power by appealing to people's emotion's instincts, & prejudices in a way that is considered manipulative & myopic; someone who incessantly reiterates the same petty complaints, until they are taken seriously.

There are citizens with valid complaints & issues, but invariably the meeting will have to deal with some Bullshivic & his personal gripe of "supreme importance".

by Darth Johnny December 18, 2010

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(feather & hemorrhoid), a painted feather Pain-In-The-Ass.

Some Featherrhoid is painting feathers on Telco facilities all over the place!

by Darth Johnny November 27, 2010


lie, omission, lying by omission.

You knew what I was up against and did not inform me and that lomission left me in the dark.

by Darth Johnny October 18, 2011

Sphincter Speak

(absolute, certainty, erudition, pedagogue, positous), authoritative peremptory, pedant, verbose, pompous, &/or didactic speech or instruction; drawing conclusions based on or integrating assumptions; wishful thinking passing as fact or doctrine.

I didn't mind the traffic ticket so much as the sphincter speak that went along with it.

by Darth Johnny December 7, 2010

Sidewalk Chevalier

someone who deliberately & unnecessarily rides their horse on a sidewalk without regard for pedestrians & bicyclists, as though they are marking their territory.

Don't blame the horse for all this crap - blame the Sidewalk Chevalier & watch your step!

by Darth Johnny December 6, 2010


(avoidance, chitchat, euphemism, evasive, facile, hedge, natter, phoney), constrained speech; pseudo conversation; small talk meant to pass as dialogue; meaningless useless gab.

I came to you for advice for problems that I have had for years, not this useless vocitus.

by Darth Johnny December 9, 2010

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a mean-spirited self-righteous shadow community; a surreptitious moral militia. Enabled by Enmity - Empowered by Authority - Embodied by Mediocrity. From Furtive: Characterized by stealth. Expressive of hidden motives & Taliban: Pashto meaning "school". A hanfi Islamist political group.

The Furtiban are everywhere, & nowhere.

by Darth Johnny November 23, 2010