A woman who does shocking things to get attention.
Just like a dj who says/does things to get ratings or get a rise out of people, it's like that.
It's a sub-category of being an attention whore. She is needy, she is unsettled, she doesnt know what she wants in life, so instead, she gets off on wanting to shock her friends/family to get the much need sympathy she craves and deserves. she wants someone to bail her out of her doldrums.
The source of this behavior comes from not getting the attention she wanted/needed from her dad during the ages of 12-16.
Our shock whore would not only get a crack-tat, she would get the tat IN her crack.
"Just look at what Tiffany is up to now. She is dating a black man just to piss off her dad. What a Shock Whore."
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n. sometimes referred to as a cockroach player. a man who lies, deceives, and leads a woman on for the purpose of getting her to bed.
derivative: cockroaches are the only organism that can survive a nuclear attack. human male cockroaches can sustain anything. as a woman, you may squish them, pour boric acid on them, think you have heard it all, but they keep surfacing with new player lines or techniques that outsmart even the smartest chicks.
when cornered, these cockroaches often run under the sink to avoid confrontation.
ex.: he kept laying on his cockroach player lines by telling me how much he liked me, how special he thought i was, how hes never felt like this before, how hes falling for me, how he wants to have me around for the long haul, only to find out that after weeks of this behavior, he hit the dust never to be heard from again.
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