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one who is a complete cunt and deserves to be called such

"My friend Ashley is a cuntbag because I'm at college and she hasn't sent me any letters, emails, or even called"

by Dave November 5, 2003

29πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


National Socialist Black Metal. black metal which contains racist beliefs, essentially. NSBM bands are usually, musically speaking, of the kvlt persuasion, with the local folk instruments thrown in here and there.

NSBM bands usually draw their lyrical inspiration from pre-Christian heathen traditions rather than Satanism, and usually ascribe or claim to ascribe to the standards of honour supposedly upheld by these ancestral folk.

Somewhat confusingly, NSBM is most popular in the Slavic regions of Eastern Europe; one of the biggest names in the scene, Rob Darken, is actually from Poland, surely the last place you'd expect anything remotely Nazi-esque to be taking root.

"Why listen to NSBM, man? Regular BM isn't extreme enough, you need it to be Nazi as well?"

by Dave June 19, 2004

394πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


a person who loves art.
e.g. literature, paintings, fashon, architecture, poetry. . .etc.

you are an artsfiend

by Dave December 13, 2003

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

q t

Somewhat secretive in nature. A deal or situation that few, if any, should know about. Otherwise, quiet.

Yeah, we'll keep it on the q t.

by Dave October 20, 2003

145πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Neo Vietnam

A common reference to Operation : Iraqi Freedom. This term, Neo Vietnam, is something I made up though, to symbolize how this is like Vietnam, but set in modern times, and actually not as bloody as Vietnam....yet the environment, although a desert, is somewhat like Vietnam, in that there are enemies that pop out of nowhere and slaughter our troops!

"Come to think of it, 'Vietnam' shouldn't be a reference to ALL wars."

by Dave November 5, 2004

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The technical term referring to those with white-colored skin.

"Caucasians are now a target of persecution by all races, even their own kind (see Michael Moore)."

by Dave September 13, 2004

541πŸ‘ 670πŸ‘Ž

gene therapy

The process of being able to transplant genes with new genes that are supposed to improve physical capability.

With the completion of the Human Genome Project, we can now detect genes that cause certain things. If we find a gene that causes illness or cancer, we can remove that and replace it with something better! That's just one of many examples of what gene therapy will do for us! ^.^

"Sounds like fun!!!.....but it's expensive. And immoral, depending on the circumstances."

by Dave March 26, 2004

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž