To never take no for an answer, to circumvent authority. See also 'Machavelian' and 'Scorched-Earth Policy'.
Spitting in your bosses face is very spickfordian of you. Your never going to get your job back
Noun - In the context of Philadelphia/Delco this colloquialism is used to designate the time of day b/w 4-6am (depending on time of year) before the sun comes out fully. The time, sight and experience is known as the Gloom. Generally witnessed due to late night drinking
Verb - to be awake at this time of day usually in a drinking context. To gloom or gloom it is synonymous with binge drinking until ungodly hours
Aww man you look like shit. Out gloomin' it last night?
Yeah man whacked like 20 brews and motor-boated some hen
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A massive joint or blunt usually consiting of an eight or more of absolutely garbage swag. After smoked this will leave all but the tuffest blazers disoriented and dissillusioned folled quickly by a headache and the need to inhale cheesesteaks and sleep for a day. Not recommended.
Ouch man what was in that
Straight wooly bully
Let's go to Wawa
Def man
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is the act of spitting. more normally associated in past tense as in grobbed
Dave decided to grob on Mikeys face
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