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V: To be in the act of doing yoga. OR

ADJ: To be weathered from too much yoga.

Has Xena called since she yogered?

Can you go to the movies with me tonight...sorry, I'm all yogered out.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits April 3, 2008

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To take a more powerful and guile-like risk.

The cop pulled over Timmy. Timmy was fed him. He took a McRisk and fled the scene.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits September 26, 2007

53πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Similar to a stinson. One who has a sly way about them. Also can be silly and a little brutish.

The zeibrut entered the bar. He was quiet, had a thin mustache and zeibruted his way around the tiny corners.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits September 26, 2007

41πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Guile! GULLET!

A punch to the stomach or throat or mind. Trickery is used in this endeavor, however, the feeling is far too intense.

GUILE! The men came home their house. Everything is gone. GUILE!!!!!
The copy told the man to step out of the car. He clubbed him in the gullet and then in the stomach. GUILE! Gullet! took over.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits September 26, 2007

40πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Storefront Jenius

A genius waiting to be recognized. One who may not be a true genius but is a Jenius in some way, shape or form.

Ready for success.

There is a storefront jenius in all of us. That cockacoo be a storefront jenius, check him out, Tatiana. Hold up Sven, this be the workings of a storefront jenius.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits October 27, 2007

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


To do well. An accomplishment. The opposite form of how normally used. Grand. Excitement.

Peanuts! I just found one hundred dollars on the floor. Peanuts! She said yes.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits September 26, 2007

80πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Chillin Thick

Relaxing at the fullest. The chillest of chill.

Went to work, got the sack, came home, and I'm chillin thick. Willowby decided to leave that chick at the house and now he's chillin thick.

by Dave Schechtman & Jared Smits November 27, 2007

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž