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A guy who is too chickenshit to change and shower at the gym, but is always giving sideways stares to older naked guys swinging dicks. Usually a millennial who bitches about “naked old men in the locker room “ in anonymous online rants

Bill brought his son Devon to workout with us. He went home in drenched sweaty clothes , but strangely kept staring at our junk. He’s a peckerchecker

by Davedale August 24, 2019

5👍 2👎

San Frandickso

A person that lives or wants to live in Frisco , who is annoyingly pretentious in both action and thought about anything to do with that over rated city. They are a Napa valley wine snob, Victorian house freak, foodie with a Bay Area toodie, a vegan, anti smoking crusader who enjoys smelling their own farts. Often associated w being a male feminist or a female “it”; a beta, theda, or Smegma snarfing payda.,gender fluid or ambiguous , they yell at you if you say anything wrong and almost anything you say they can deem wrong.

Dang, dude that skinny guy w the top button if his shirt buttoned spazed because I didn’t bring my own bag, he’s a real San Frandickso

by Davedale July 17, 2019


A regular skank, but real short. It’s a combo word of skank and midget ,
This “skiget”

Man I’m so jealous of Joey, Skiget he’s doing gives him a standing BJ

by Davedale July 20, 2019


Synonymous with cliteromegaly , or an enlarged clitoris , very large almost dick sized organ associated with hyperangrogenemic syndromes

This chick had a clit so big it was like a speed bump, a real majoris

by Davedale July 19, 2019


Someone who so enthusiastically performs oral-anal sex that they risk soft tissue injury (on the recipient ) or auto asphyxiation on they’re own self .

Damn I couldn’t painlessly sit down for two days after my hairy white butt encountered that cracksnaggler I met . It felt good at first , until it’ didn’t ...

by Davedale August 5, 2019

Assgas gargledier

Someone who performs analingus almost violently , Nose and face ruding in the deepest recesses of ass crack in hopes of eliciting explosive gas passlege . Similar to nosenoggler but with more muscle.

Careful who’s face you sit on there is an assgas gargledier on the loose

by Davedale August 5, 2019


A flaccid penis of at least 9” in length and above average girth

That old dude who just walked by the lockers with no towel on was swinging a swag-dang-diggler

by Davedale August 4, 2019