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One who claims to be Irish whilst having no idea what (an island), let alone where 'Ireland' is, having never been there, and having no real intention of ever going there. Blissfully unaware of their own country having no dual-citizenship treaty with the Republic of Ireland.
Often displaying a supreme lack of irony by positively shouting about the fact that their family has donated to an international terrorist organisation that murdered children (often Irish children, which is presumably somehow worse) in the very same brash tone they use in praise of their own country's 'War on Tear.'
Slightly less despicable than the anti-smoking brigade, though the demographics often overlap creating a group of people that would incline one towards taking up a superstition such as christianity in order to hope that one'll get to witness armageddon.

Irish-American: Say, 'bud', wurrrr ya from?
Me: Northern Ireland
IA: Oh, Arland, I'm Arsh too!
Me: I'm not actually Irish, I didn't say Ireland, I said, "Northern Ireland." They're seperate countries.
IA: Well I see it as one, the whole place is so close to my heart!
Me: Ah. You must have spent a lot of time there, if you think it's closer to your heart than to that of someone who was born and raised there.
IA: Well, I, um. I never really got the time. But hey, they're joined, right? Same thing, right?
Me: Yeah, well you Mexicans always were a bit fucking slow.
IA: I'm not Mexican.
Me: ... ... (penny never drops). Know what? Fuck off.

by Davey R. Blue March 22, 2007

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