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The lowest of the lowest pikey shops, ranging from Iceland, to Lidl, to the 99p shop, to Farmfoods. Radiates pikeyness to all local council estates.

Farmfoods? Shit man only pikeys shop there!

by David Watts November 29, 2003

37👍 17👎

99p shop

When you're too pikey even for Lidl.

See also: Farmfoods.

Yeah I got this brilliant turd-in-a-bun for only 99p!

by David Watts November 29, 2003

9👍 9👎


Bigger than a crew, this is the collective noun for a large gang, which usually has a large amount of 'turf' to cover.

Da East Sutton Massiv is da best.

by David Watts January 2, 2004

80👍 8👎


Something I like to do in my spare time.

Well, if you get bored of life, there's always death.

by David Watts August 2, 2003

14👍 8👎


Fuckin' Hard Man

Don't mess with me mate, I'm FHM Vinnie me, I'll grab your nuts like I did to Gazza

by David Watts November 16, 2003

19👍 52👎


Australian for piss

He who drinks Australian, thinks Australian

by David Watts August 1, 2003

66👍 58👎


A supermarket.

Lidl, when you're too pikey even for Iceland.

by David Watts August 2, 2003

126👍 76👎