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the original name of the butterfly until mr. jiminy down the road invented a machine in 1912 to fly, when he named this the 'flutterby' so anyone who used the name had to give him 2 shiny pennys for copyright laws

man i had to pay mr. jiminy 2 pennys for saying flutterby yesterday.. wait.. DAMMIT!

by Davo shmavo July 23, 2003

112👍 53👎

group rake

when u do something to a girl and she cries 'rape' a bunch of old men mistake what she's saying for 'rake' and all make a bug circle around u saying 'rake, i've got a rake' and holding up their rakes

rake? hey we've got rakes, lets make a circle

by Davo shmavo July 23, 2003

6👍 17👎