Source Code


it is the best darn food you will ever eat!

pie is really good.if you have eaten pie you are very cool.

by DayDreamer96 December 23, 2006

8👍 10👎

What dat mean?

what you be sayin dog?

weird guy:what dat mean?dork:it means shut up you dum dum dummy!

by DayDreamer96 December 23, 2006

12👍 26👎


Alice. The one who see's all. Be very wary of this one (has great attention to detail when it comes to people and how they interact with other people. She knows what's going on. She is very funny, smart, crazy, photogenic, beautiful, generous, honest, cute and fun. She LOVES ANIME to the point of addiction. She is a real keeper, once you find an Alice your XP points are boosted up to 1000 (in other words she is one in a million). She is quite quirky which adds to her charm. Blue eye's, blonde hair she is adorable. Boys all swoon and they think "Whose that chick?" Everywhere she goes she catches eyes. She reminds you of a cat. Random!! She will not judge you, she is the perfect person to talk to, if you want someone to listen. She will support you and help you through tough times. If anyone messes with her she'll knock their lights out.

Overall fantastic buddy to have by your side : D

Everyone likes her. Except for the people who do not except weird. But she kicks there ass so.................

ALICE FOR THE WINN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Random old lady: Hello there deary, would you like to meet all of my cats?
Alice: *In her head* ah why is this old lady talking to me? *Out loud* yer sure?

Guy at the shops: Hey there, I have noticed you around here. I took note of you because your the only young person I've really seen around

by DayDreamer96 May 25, 2012

70👍 273👎