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Ciona is a woman of action. She lives on the surface of enormous energies.

When internal beauty and strong charisma are needed only a women as talented and beautiful as Ciona can save the day.

by DeCryptIcon February 14, 2018


GypSyn - moving around from place to place in the shadows unnoticed over vast distances through space and time like only your biological fate is as stake.

WTF, where'd you get that? I dunno - been GypSyn it around for years.

by DeCryptIcon October 21, 2023


When you realize you've been getting by on massive luck and it finally hits you it'll probably run out someday thus forcing you to create an adjustment plan and then implement it. This is De-Lucking.

Yesterday I forgot the 6th month anniversary of my new partner and they still gave me a hug. Best I get De-Lucking the one year now.

by DeCryptIcon May 22, 2023


When you drive by your corner gas station on Friday and it looks ok, but then the next day it's a Mexican Restaurant serving food out of old coolers next to the gas pumps: You're about to score a plate of SketchMex for dinner.

Bro you're getting married tonight, eating SketchMex for lunch is no bueno!

by DeCryptIcon March 1, 2022