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Dead panda

A panda that is no longer alive. (i.e. dead)

See also Dead Panda Society.

That dead panda looks pretty dead to me.

by Dead Panda December 19, 2005

60👍 21👎

I'm going back to WoW

Commonly said phrase after a WoW addicted dissapproves of another MMORPG because:

A. They're close minded and most likely can't stand playing anything that isn't WoW related, dispite how well recieved and/or awesome said game is.

B. The game acually sucks.

C. They miss their pimped out character and simply can't stand starting something new and different.

C. The game isn't WoW.

Or a combination of those.

EvE online sucks, I'm going back to WoW.

Guildwars sucks, I'm going back to WoW.

My life sucks, I'm going back to WoW.

by Dead Panda January 19, 2007

34👍 11👎