Source Code


1. A narrow road or way.

2. A lesser, common, American last name.

3. A common, Western European, female first name.

4. A misspelling of the common, American, female first name from the actual spellings Layne, Layn, and Lain.

5. Short version of the Female, Western European names, Delaney and Laney.

6. A European male name.


A: "That is one creepy road!"

B: "It is too small to be a road, that is a lane!"


A: "Wow did you see Brenden Lane?"

B: "Yah! He and his sister Amy Lane are so tall!"


A: "Lane sure is a sweetie!"

B: "Who is he?"

A: "Although Lane is a multi gender name, this Lane is a female."


A: "Would you like to see the list of people coming to my birthday party?"

B: "Sure! You spelt Lain wrong though, it is with an 'I' not an 'E'. You spelt it how the dictionary does and many other do- Lane!"


A: "Hurry up Lane!"

B: "But my name is Laney!"

A: "Come on, Lane is a nick name! Short for Laney."


A: "Wow Lane sure is hot!"

B: "You think that way about girls? Why didn't you tell me!"

A: "No silly, this Lane is a male!"

by DeanieMcLeanie May 10, 2009

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