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George Bush's fault

It is a chicken-shit way for democrats, gays, liberals, blacks, lame-stream media, Katie Couric, and all other worthless turds to blame George Bush for any and all problems happening in the world now, in the past, or in the future. It's a result of not being able to accept one's lot in life and to blame another for their problems. There is no time limit for placing such blame, nor is there a begining point in which blame can be assessed. Simply put, all blame is to be placed on George Bush.

Son: "Daddy, why did the Dinosaurs die-out?"
Father: "I don't know but I'm sure it was George Bush's fault".

Scientist: "We can expect a large asteriod to hit the Earth within the next 100,000 years causing mass destruction because George Bush didn't stop the asteriod's creation during his 8 years in office".

by Decon 4 and waiting June 2, 2010

125👍 360👎


A non-super hero with homosexual tendencies. He doesn't fight crime or any worth-while. He basically works at a crappy job and invents new ways to slow down the production and efficiency of his fellow workers by shoving potatoes up his arse. Thus, he'll claim worker's comp and other handouts.

That new guy in acctounting is such a Spudman. He just lays around waiting for something to hurt him so he can collect a check without working.

by Decon 4 and waiting June 1, 2010

2👍 3👎