Term used to describe marijuana around the thanksgiving time. Used mainly in November and sometimes, just sometimes, early December. See also, christmas trees and ocean breeze.
My girl picked up our turkey sandwich and we spent the night with pink floyd.
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Slang for everything is all right. Commonly used when mouth is full of marbles or peanuts, or just lazy and don't want to say all right.
You get the new Yanni CD? That shit is aw'ight!
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This meaning is implied when you make the victory/peace sign, followed by cupping your index and thumb in the shape of a letter 'C'.
Instead of saying something is good, awesome, excellent etc...use the too cool sign to express your feelings nonverbally.
When the girl in the car next to me lifted up her shirt to expose her mommy baggies, I quickly gave her the V C symbol to express my pleasure and how cool she was.
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For some a relief from the real world just to relieve some of the pain their feeling or suicidal attempt.
Those sick bastards tried to send me away for cutting myself!!
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Term used to describe marijuana after Memorial day and before Labor day, hence summer.
After I get my ocean breeze, I won't even remember this summer!
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Term used for marijuana after Memorial day and before Labor day...hence the summer time.
After I get my ocean breeze, I won't even remember this summer!
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person 1: my deeze hoez know i gotta big dick.
person 2: shut up, u know u got dat pornstar
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