A movement that seeks to take apartments being rented away from landlords and give them to the renters.
John is in the housing reform movement.
2π 3π
An organization in Mexico that makes meth and smogles it or the raw materials used to make it to the u.s. It was started when it become illegal to buy more than a small amount of the raw materals used to make meth and the founders saw that a nich had opened up that they could exploit.
John is in the Mexican meth cartel.
8π 12π
a monogamous couple. where the man is the plug and the woman is the plug in. there genitalia is pluged into each other and no one else's. Derogatory.
larry and betty are plug and plug-in.
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porn that is not on film but is performed live before audience in a night club ect.
are you going with John to see live porn?
43π 14π
When you want to fuck someone so bad it hurts. Women don't know how bad that can be. And that is the reason for the invention of sex obligation ethics.
12π 9π
A movement that seeks to make Florida an independent nation because of all the bad laws and policies of the US.
John is in the Florida nationalist movement.
4π 7π
Where on the night of October 31st. every one comes to a party wearing there sexist costumes and then takes them off with the rest of there clothes and then fucks the reast of the night.
Did you go to that halloween orgy?
22π 12π