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Helter skelter

1. A race war that Charles Manson believed would happen when the back people would take over. Manson was really a racist and believed that black couldn't run things and would need his family to do that for them.
2. The world war that some think will happen when overpopulation and/or global warming and/or supervocanic eruptions ect. will overtake the world and the nations of the world go to war in a fight over food and water ect.

3. The global struggle in which the workers,poor ect. will win there freedom that anarchist,communist ect. believe in.

1. Charles Manson believed in Helter Skelter.
2. How are we going to survive helter skelter?
3. Helter Skelter is for the people.

by Deep Blue 2012 May 23, 2010

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shit drag off

where someone is shiting in the toilet and one or two other people grab there legs and drag them off the toileit. sometimes they also drag them along the bathroom floor which sometimes leaves a big shit smear on the floor.
Often done by bullies to nerds and noobs.

someone dis the shit drag off on John.

by Deep Blue 2012 September 8, 2009

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Vanilla pie

A white woman's pussy.

That black dude likes vanilla pie.

by Deep Blue 2012 May 21, 2010

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Crude sex slavery

The lowest form of sex slavery and is cruel and degrading. It is the kind of sex slavery that you hear about when they talk about human trafficting.
It is completely different from the hetaira sex slave system that uses women who are pampered and highly trained.

A lot of people don't like crude sex slavery.

by Deep Blue 2012 July 27, 2010

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Hollyrolly robot

A person who does and believes what there parents who are hollyrollys tell them to do and believe and never think for themselves ever. They also never have any fun at all and never have sex or drink ever and most of them are so ignort of it they don't EVEN KNOW WHAT A PUSSY LOOKS LIKE.

John's just a hollyrolly robot.

by Deep Blue 2012 June 12, 2010

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The state of being a negro,black,African American ect.

Hey John some guys are here from the kkk to talk to you about your negroness.

by Deep Blue 2012 June 26, 2010

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Fuck diva society

A society that supports fuck divas and there activities and tries to get other divas to become fuck divas.

Kathy is a member of the fuck diva society.

by Deep Blue 2012 October 20, 2009

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