A young woman who rejects just men because of there age and no other reason.
That young agest twerp just turned me down when I told her my age and she didn't even look at me.
4π 10π
A prostitute who is on the payroll of a hotel to serve there guests.She can be asked for at the front desk.
Kathy is a hotel prostitute.
22π 9π
A prostitute that is on the payroll of a hotel to serve the guests. they can be asked for at the front deask.
Kathy is a hotel prostitute.
9π 3π
A poem that kids often say.
Beans,beans,beans are good for your heart.
The more you eat 'em the more they make you fart.
4π 5π
A movement that seeks to make it legal to own sex slaves. there is one faction of it that wants to have ordinary sex slaves. Another calls it crude sex slavery and instead wants to establish the hetaira sex slave system it is called thehetaira movement. Another faction wants to make all women sex slaves.
John is for the sex slave movement.
19π 22π
Where a police man or woman steals often from a crime scene or an evidence locker.
That cop is on the take.
19π 22π
someone who is always useing the bible to tell someone how bad they and how good the bible thumper is.
someone who tries to brow beat someone with yhe bible.
I had to get away from that bible thumper.
47π 19π