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walking orgy

A woman that is up for anything fucking,anal,sucking ect. and either asways has some pot,coke ect. on her or is always ready to try some, she will have a three way ect. and is a real party animal.A bunch of guys can have an orgy with just her.

That Kathy is a walking orgy.

by Deep Blue 2012 November 17, 2009

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A word coined by environmentalist for the degrading of the environment till it is like the environment of Hati. That is with almost no plant or animal life.

We need to stop hatification before it's too late.

by Deep Blue 2012 December 30, 2010

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Sex fighting

When a man has to fight a woman and win before they have sex because it turns her on.

John and Kathy are sex fighting.

by Deep Blue 2012 April 18, 2010

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Naked theater

A theater that puts on plays that has naked people in it. And it often travels around the country puting on shows the most famous play being oh cowcutta.

Kathy is in a with a naked theater.

by Deep Blue 2012 August 9, 2010

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Satanic gangsta rap

A type of music that is a mixture of gangsta rap and porn music.

Do you like satanic gangsta rap?

by Deep Blue 2012 October 23, 2009

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Island of dolls

An island out side of mexico city in canal that is haunted by a girl that drowned in the canal and by the caretaker who died. It is small taking only less then ten minutes to walk across it. It is covered with thousands of dolls that have been placed there. At night it is said that the ghost make the dolls move. It is one of the most haunted and creepest places on earth.

Have you been to the lsland of dolls?Island of dolls.

by Deep Blue 2012 March 6, 2010

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Coward force

A derogative term for the police who are taught to shoot anyone who makes any sudden moves. In almost all cases it is just some guy reaching for his wallet. If anyone is that much of a coward they shouldn't even be on the force.

The coward force shot John the other night when her reached in the glove compartment to show to them his car registration.

by Deep Blue 2012 January 26, 2010

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