A resident of Padanaram. Usually used with a negative connotation, it implies that the person specified is an uppity rich snob who inherited their wealth instead of earning it.
I was at the bar last night and this fuckin' pundy walked by and got all pissed off at me because he said I spilled beer on his $200 sweater.
96π 13π
A general term referring to a piece of food, usually something bite-sized and/or deep-fried. Most often used when stoned.
Origins: Derived from the term Chicken McNally, which itself was derived from Chicken McNugget. McNally is a more general term than Chicken McNally, used to describe some snackable food morsel that is not necessarily made out of chicken.
Dude, I got the munchies. Let's go to Bickford's and get some of those McNallys that have cheese inside of them.
28π 27π
Used to describe a discussion about religion that has devolved into a pointless shouting match or flamewar. It is analogous to the word Goodwin'd but specifically applies to a discussion about religion. Most commonly used on internet discussion threads.
Steve: I hate christians!
Dave: The secular heathens are destroying society!
Al: This thread had been Bevets'd. I'm out of here.
15π 5π
See Goodwin. Commonly used on internet discussion threads to refer to a debate that has devolved into a flamewar or a pointless and chaotic argument with no redeeming intellectual qualities.
Steve: Bush = Hitler!
Dave: This thread had been Goodwined. I'm outta here.
12π 6π
1) A reference to the 16th president of the United States.
2) A disparaging term for a Northerner or one who advocates Civil Rights.
Dixie will rise again and we'll teach those Lincoln Lovers! Next time, we'll have shoes!
Damn those Lincoln Lovers! It's all their fault I have to sit next to black people at the lunch counter.
21π 15π
A Chicken McNally is a more specific case of a McNally. The Chicken McNally is a McNally that is more likely to be made out of chicken (although it does not necessarily have to be chicken, since this term is most commonly used when stoned.)
Melvin: Dude, are those Chicken McNallys?
Rod: I don't know what they are, but they're really good, man.
13π 3π
Fake wood. Some object of low quality/price that is made to look like wood but is obviously not real wood.
My car has real woood paneling.
18π 8π