Source Code

Down Good

When your extremely unhorny and have been for a long time.

"Keep your eye on John he's hasn't been talking with anyone for months now, I knew he was down good."

by Definer Andy January 18, 2021

17👍 4👎

Can I get a uhhhh

High mfs always be saying shit like this.

Cashier: "Hi, what can I get for you?"

You: "Yeah can I get a uhhhhhhhhhh!!"

by Definer Andy April 29, 2020

8👍 2👎


No one would actually say this in real life.

Person: "You when your cousin's birthday is coming up?"

Other person: "IARDEFKOC"

Person: "Huh?"

Other Person: "(I actually really don't even fucking know or care)"

Person: "Wow that's alot..."

by Definer Andy April 29, 2020

Amazon and Relax

Similar to Netflix and Chill but for Amazon.

Him: "Netflix and Chill?"
Her: "Nah, Amazon and Relax"
Him: "Huh? Ohhh!"

by Definer Andy January 19, 2021

1👍 1👎

Cha Cha Real Smooth

To accomplish a task in a sleek manner.

Guy: *slips number into girls back pocket*

Also Guy: cha cha real smooth

by Definer Andy May 20, 2019

37👍 5👎

Carefully, he's a hero...

How you handle someone who's done a great service to all of mankind.

Mom: Tells dad to check on you

Dad: Walks in mid fap

Me: Please dad don't tell mom

Dad: Winks and tells mom everything's fine

Also Me: Carefully, he's a hero...

by Definer Andy August 31, 2019

Vibe Scroll

A joint.

"Please pass the Vibe Scroll."

by Definer Andy January 22, 2021